Sarah T.
Private tutor in St. Louis, MO
Washington University in St Louis - BA, Biology
I am a tutor in Saint Louis, Missouri. I can offer my tutoring expertise in many different subjects, such as middle school math, algebra, biology, physics, chemistry, English, study skills and organization, Spanish, and preparation for the SAT. I have four years of tutoring experience in these subjects. Additionally, I am also a peer mentor at my university. My job is to lead groups of students, and help them solve problems and increase their knowledge in general chemistry. I believe that my responsibility as a tutor is not only to teach a subject but also to instill confidence and help students acquire good problem-solving abilities. Presently, I am attending Washington University-St. Louis, where my fields of study are global health and environment and biology. In my free time, I like to read, go to the zoo, and spend time outdoors.
Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time
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Up to 30 minutes away at my regular hourly rate
Enjoys reading, going to the zoo, being outdoors
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