William D.
Private tutor in St. Louis, MO
Economics - BA, William Drennen
Currently, I am taking a gap year before attending Washington University School of Law. I earned my B.A. in Economics at Trinity College. I tutor in Economics, LSAT, and United States History, each of which is a favorite for various reasons. One of the first things to learn in Economics is how to adjust thinking to a field that combines Math, Social Science, and in some aspects, Psychology. The second, is understanding the vocabulary and how to speak like an Economist. Once these are done, the subject is much easier to grasp.I found the LSAT test to be a giant puzzle. Each section holds different rules for the type of questions asked and the information provided with which to answer. I believe with proper preparation and understanding how to best manage time during the test, the LSAT is less overwhelming.I think a full understanding of historical events and people help to contextualize the subject. Memorization is one way to learn History; although, I feel that with a complete understanding of History, knowing dates becomes much easier because they fall in line with the timeline of events.I have coached sports in the past and have found that an approach that takes into account how an individual learns is best. Once I understand the learning style, I am able to better introduce new material and help the student to master it. I believe that if knowledge is delivered correctly, every student is capable of learning. When I am not working, I enjoy playing squash, physical fitness, reading books, and world news.
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squash, physical fitness, reading books and world news
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