Courtney B.
Private tutor in St. Louis, MO
Dartmouth College - BA, Sociology
Throughout my teaching career, I have had the opportunity to look at a variety of educational systems from many angles. One thing that I have learned is that whichever way you look at it, all students suffer when they don't receive individualized, one-on-one instruction. My experience with tutoring stretches back to my days as a high school student, when I worked during the summer at an enrichment program tutoring students from the third to eighth grades. During this time, I specialized in teaching Mathematics, and also helped to prepare students for various standardized tests. I now hold a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology with concentrations in youth, education, and associated inequities from Dartmouth College. During my time as a college student, I tutored students ranging from kindergartners to fifth graders in reading comprehension. I have spent the last nine years working as both a private tutor and as a general academic instructor. One of my more recent teaching endeavors was taking a strong leadership role in devising and implementing a tutoring program geared towards helping high school students from low-income families. My tutoring specialties are all levels of Mathematics and assisting students with standardized test preparation for the ISEE, HSPT, PSAT, SAT, and SSAT.
Subject Expertise
ArithmeticCollege EssaysElementary MathEnglishHSPTISEEISEE- Lower LevelISEE- Middle LevelISEE- Upper LevelMiddle School MathOtherPhonicsPre-AlgebraReadingSATSAT Critical ReadingSAT MathSAT MathematicsSAT VerbalSAT WritingSHSATSSATSSAT- Elementary LevelSSAT- Middle LevelSSAT- Upper LevelStudy SkillsStudy Skills and OrganizationTest Prep
Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time
Can Meet
Up to 30 minutes away at my regular hourly rate
In addition to working with youth, I enjoy cooking healthy foods, taking my two dogs to Forest Park, and spending time with loved ones.
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