Kyle W.
Private tutor in St. Louis, MO
Webster University - BS, Accounting , California Western School of Law - Doctorate , J.D.
I tutor in many different subjects and I like it when I can get students engaged and excited in the material we are covering. Tutoring is very rewarding and watching my students improve and perform well on tests makes me feel good. I have a passion for the law, and tutor in many different areas including Legal Ethics. I also have a strong Finance background and I tutor in some of those areas as well. I tutor Microeconomics, Economics, Finance, Accounting, Study Skills And Organization, Macroeconomics, Business, College Essays, English, Persuasive Writing, Constitutional Law, Contract Law, Ethics, Evidence, Legal Research, Legal Writing, Property Law, US Constitutional History, Social Studies, Tort Law, and Civil Procedure. I also do test preparation for the LSAT and CLEP examinations. I find that one-on-one tutoring gets the best results and allows me to really connect with my students. I have my undergraduate degree in Accounting from Webster University and recently graduated from California Western School of Law with my Juris Doctor. I really enjoy tutoring and feel it's a way to spread the knowledge I have gained during all of my years in school. In the little spare time I have, I like to go to the gym or practice Jiu jets.
Subject Expertise
AccountingBusinessCivil ProcedureCLEPCLEP Introduction to Business LawCollege EssaysConstitutional LawContract LawEconomicsEnglishEthicsEvidenceFinanceLawLegal ResearchLegal WritingMacroeconomicsMicroeconomicsOtherPersuasive WritingProperty LawSocial studiesStudy SkillsStudy Skills and OrganizationTest PrepTort LawUS Constitutional History
Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time
Can Meet
40 miles at my regular hourly rate
Jiu jitsu, fitness
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