Thomas R.
Private tutor in St. Louis, MO
Elmhurst College - BA, English, Spanish, Philosophy
Located in St. Louis, MO, I am a tutor with a passion for improving the work of others. Always the consummate student, my education, work, and travels throughout college have given me insight into the meaning and value of one-on-one learning. My degrees in English, Spanish, and Philosophy from Elmhurst College have served as a sound platform for providing constructive, nurturing feedback to my students. A great writer must be able to put down ideas clearly, concisely, and accurately. My goal is to help students improve their skill and confidence in writing, grammar, editing, literature, and study habits, with a focus on English and Spanish languages. My appreciation of tutorship began in college when I was able to critique and coach struggling writers in an effort to help them hone their skills. My extensive travels to Spanish speaking countries immersed me in the culture, and sparked a true love of the language. I find joy in teaching, whether it is teaching myself how to program computers, or sharing essay editing knowledge with a student. As an avid learner myself, I have a unique perspective and respect for what it takes to develop new skills or master current skills.
Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time
Can Meet
Up to 30 minutes away at my regular hourly rate
Music, Literature, Language, Technology, Politics
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