Nickolas S.
Private tutor in St. Louis, MO
Saint Louis University - BA, Biochemistry
I recently graduated from Saint Louis University at which I majored in Biochemistry and minored in Theology. I enjoy Biochemistry due to the fascinating nature of chemical reactions and how they affect as well as create all forms of life. I was on the Pre-Med track in college, and I am now in the process of applying to and attending interviews for MD as well as PhD programs. I intend to bring this experience to my tutoring practice and assist any medically inclined students on their own journey. In addition to my education in sciences, I have volunteered as a tutor to help students from kindergarten through junior high learn basic ideas that provide a foundation for learning. Additionally, I have aided fellow students in various chemistry classes. As a tutor, I take full responsibility for my students' understanding of the material. If material is not understood, it is my job to find a way to get the message across. I specifically enjoy tutoring in Organic Chemistry, Chemistry, Math, and Biology. When not tutoring, I like to work on my record collection, read, and play Settlers of Catan.
Subject Expertise
ACTACT EnglishACT MathACT ReadingACT ScienceAP BiologyAP ChemistryAP Physics 1AP Physics 2: Electricity and MagnetismAP Physics 2: MechanicsBiochemistryBiologyChemistryElementary MathGeneticsGeometryGraduate Test PrepIB BIology HLIB Chemistry HLInorganic ChemistryMCAT Physical SciencesMCAT Verbal ReasoningMiddle School MathPhysicsPre-AlgebraTest PrepTrigonometry
Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time
Can Meet
Up to 30 minutes away at my regular hourly rate
In my free time I can be found collecting records, reading (fiction, philosophy, and science), and playing Catan with my friends.
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