Monique B.
Private tutor in St. Louis, MO
Duke - BS, Chemisty , Washington Univeristy - Masters, Immunology
I have a lot of enthusiasm when it comes to education, particularly science education. I started out my career while I was earning my bachelor's degree at Duke University. During my studies there, I spent time as a TA for a chemistry class. It was there that I first experienced teaching others. I was able to become familiar with the fundamental concepts of chemistry in that class. When I finished with my bachelor's degree, I was employed for two years in an NIH lab and lived in our country's capital. While I was there, I was additionally employed by Kaplan for the purpose of getting students ready for the Medical College Admission Test. During this time, I earned my master's in immunology from Washington University School of Medicine. I dedicated my time to another position as a teacher's assistant for a histology class, and I additionally began to give one-on-one histology lessons to students.Due to my enthusiasm for educating others, I now dedicate my time to tutoring. My mission as an educator is to ensure that the students I teach are able to fully comprehend the learning material, so that they have the knowledge and comprehension necessary to think critically and apply their knowledge in the real world. I'm looking forward to helping you become another success story!
Subject Expertise
AnatomyAP BiologyAP Calculus ABAP Calculus BCAP ChemistryAP English Language and CompositionBiochemistryBiologyChemistryEnglishGraduate Test PrepInorganic ChemistryMCATMCAT Biological SciencesMCAT Physical SciencesMCAT Social and Behavioral SciencesMCAT Verbal ReasoningMicrobiologyOrganic ChemistryPre-AlgebraPublic SpeakingReadingWriting
Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time
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Up to 30 minutes away at my regular hourly rate
Science, learning, and teaching
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