Patrick C.
Private tutor in St. Louis, MO
Truman State University - BS, BA, Linguistics, English , Saint Louis University School of Law - JD, Law
I'm Patrick, and I'm studying law at St. Louis University. I attended German State University to earn bachelor's degrees in English and linguistics. As an undergraduate, I had the opportunity to tutor foreign exchange students. I also had the opportunity to study abroad in Ghana, working with students between three years old and 15 years old in both one-on-one settings and in the classroom. I am currently a TA in law school courses, which includes tutoring students in study skills and legal analysis. I love working with students and having things clicks for them. There many for ways to learn things, and I pledge to find a way that works best for you.
Subject Expertise
ACTACT EnglishACT MathACT ReadingACT ScienceACT WritingCollege EssaysElementary MathEnglishEssay EditingGeometryGovernmentGrammar and MechanicsHSPTISEELiteratureMiddle School MathOtherPhonicsPre-CalculusReadingSATSAT Critical ReadingSAT MathSAT MathematicsSAT VerbalSAT WritingSocial studiesSSATTest PrepWriting
Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time
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