Elizabeth M.
Private tutor in St. Louis, MO
University of Arizona - BA, Elementary Ed
If you're looking for a committed and creative teacher who strives to help each student individually, I'm the tutor you're looking for. I help children with a variety of needs. I create unique lessons that help each child get involved in the classroom and to work towards achieving their goals. I have worked in the public school system for 8 years, and have worked with a wide range of students in grades K-8. While my work experience spans many conventional subjects, I also have experience working with ESL students, to help them advance their literacy levels. I've also worked with at-risk 5th-8th grade students who needed assistance with both math and literacy. I have been successful in teaching my students the necessary skills to do well. My track record is over 80% in mathematical and reading tests. I'd be more than willing to provide detailed data. As a successful tutor, I can help your child achieve his or her goals while improving in the classroom. I like to help my students in all aspects, and I am more than willing to speak with teachers or school staff members to help to make sure that all of your child's educational needs are met in the classroom.
Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time
Can Meet
Up to 30 minutes away at my regular hourly rate
Soccer, Basketball, Tap Dancing, Cooking, Hiking, University of Arizona Alumni activities, Speaking Spanish
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