Kerilyn K.
Private tutor in St. Louis, MO
College of the Holy Cross - Bachelor in Arts, Deaf Education , McDaniel College - Master of Arts, Deaf Education
I am a tutor with extensive experience studying and teaching students in a variety of different subjects. I attended the College of the Holy Cross and McDaniel College. I am certified as a deaf education teacher. I have experience teaching at both a deaf school and a public school setting. I am able to tutor students at the elementary, the middle school, and high school levels. While my primary focus is on deaf education, I also have experience teaching traditional students and students with other special needs. I am comfortable tutoring students in phonics, reading, grammar and mechanics, writing, language, math, English, and American sign language. My philosophy as a tutor emphasizes the fact that every student has the ability to learn. I am adept at adapting my teaching style to correspond to the learning style that will be the most effective for each student. I enjoy working with students on an individual level because it enables me to give each student my undivided attention and energy. This ensures that the student learns the information they need to. My experience as a teacher has taught me how to be flexible in the sense that I am able to provide class material in many different ways so as to reach every student. In my free time, I enjoy reading, quilting, running, biking, and knitting.
Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time
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Up to 30 minutes away at my regular hourly rate
reading, quilting, running, biking, knitting
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