Sammy D.
Private tutor in St. Louis, MO
Loyola University-Chicago - Bachelors, Economics & Statistics
I am a numbers person, and I find enjoyment in sharing my passion with others. I am excited to take any opportunity to assist others in their education and understanding of numbers. I have worked as a camp counselor teaching several leadership training seminars and leading numerous fun outdoor events. I also worked as a tutor during my freshman year at Loyola University for CircEsteem, which involved teaching math to children by following a circus themed curriculum. These experiences have shown me that I like working with people and making a difference in their education. Although most of my teaching experience has been with children, I feel comfortable working with students of any age, including adults. I am currently working towards a bachelor's degree in economics, with a statistics minor. I am confident in my tutoring abilities for any level of math through calculus 1 and statistics through AP level. In addition, I tutor several other subjects like economics, business, English, Spanish, ACT test prep, and creative writing. Some of my personal interests are human nature, card games, chess, mental health, and music. I also enjoy data science, statistical modeling, analytics, and investments.
Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time
Can Meet
Up to 30 minutes away at my regular hourly rate
Data Science, Statistical Modeling, Analytics, Investments, Entrepreneurship, Writing, Sports, Psychology, Human Nature, Mental Health, Music, Exercise Science, Card Games, Chess
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