Christian H.
Private tutor in St. Louis, MO
College of Charleston - Bachelors, Molecular Biology , Ohio State University-Main Campus - PHD, Biomedical Sciences (microbial pathogenesis)
I have extensive academic experience and knowledge that I know will be beneficial to my students. I have my Bachelor of Biology. I have a huge passion for science, teaching, and learning. It was at my college, the Biology College of Charleston or CofC that I started my tutoring career. I helped students in organic chemistry and introductory biology. After my first year of being a tutor, I decided to become a supplemental instruction leader for chemistry and biology classes in the same school. The supplemental sessions were held once a week and were basically tutoring sessions of a large scale. After college, I went on to study graduate-level biomedical sciences and in 2015 I earned my PH.D. in Biomedical Sciences, special emphasis on Microbial Pathogenesis. Then, I joined a lab that was dedicated to studying how bacteria cause disease. Additionally, I was a guest lecturer for a lab techniques class and a mentor to a senior high pupil for eight weeks. All of these experiences have given me the necessary skill set to become a successful tutor. I am looking forward to sharing my love for biology with many students. Don't continue to struggle, we can get started right away.
Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time
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