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Simon tutors in St. Louis, MO

Simon T.

Private tutor in St. Louis, MO


Columbia University in the City of New York - Bachelors, Chemical Engineering , North Carolina State University at Raleigh - PHD, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering


I have a doctoral degree in chemical engineering from North Carolina State University. Prior to that, I attended Columbia University to earn my bachelor's degree in chemical engineering. I'm aware of how important STEM careers are in today's world, and understand the challenges students face in trying to learn these subjects. I focus on helping students understand science and math subjects as a tutor, and I can draw on my experience in the field as well as my academic background to help students find success. I often relate concepts to students by explaining real world applications that I use or have used in my career. I also enjoy connecting with my students to build a rapport so that students are comfortable learning with me. In my spare time, I like to play the guitar, play the banjo, run, participate in triathlons, and read.


Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time

Can Meet

Up to 30 minutes away at my regular hourly rate


Running, triathlons, playing guitar and banjo, reading books on cosmology and particle physics

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